Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday Reads and Trying to Stay Positive

Here’s what I read last week:

Apr 12: “Dragon’s Redemption” by Eden Ashe, #2 in the Dragon Lore series, a paranormal romance at 212 pages. Blurb from Goodreads: When her brother goes missing, everything in Lily Cage's world turns upside down. Born a Hunter female, the last thing she needs is an attraction to Dallas, the scariest dragon in existence. The one known as The Destroyer. With peace between the Hunters and Dragons hanging by a thread, one wrong move on Lily or Dallas's part could catapult them all back into war. But with Dallas playing by his own rules and someone on the outside decimating her life, they have a choice--stand and fight, or lose everything they never realized they wanted. I didn’t love this one like I did the first book, but then my head’s not into reading so much right now (gee… I wonder why?). I’d like to blame my head instead of the book, but actually, it’s probably a bit of both. Which is a shame, because it was an interesting story. It just felt a little…rushed.


Well… the book signing at the library didn’t go so well (but I got pictures!). I had one visitor, who didn’t read romance. No one else stopped by to say hi.

I must look scary or something.

Then again, not many people wandered into the library. It was raining all day long! Plus, this is Centerville’s smaller branch. The woman running the 2nd Monday Authors program said more traffic comes through the other branch and that they may end up switching it so that all the 2nd Monday Author events happen in the other library. And, if the program is still going on next year (and she hopes it is, because she doesn’t feel there are enough author events around), she said she’d invite me back next year in the other branch. So, that’s nice. Plus, all three of my Bitten by Love books were checked out! Gotta look at the positives, huh?

My doctor appointment yesterday went pretty much as I expected. I’m scheduled for an echocardiogram next Wednesday and have a stress echo to look forward to in the near future. Oh joy!

So…This happened yesterday (see picture). Luckily, I was able to boot Big Red up on the second try. I am so not amused. I sent this picture to Dell. From now on that’s what I’m gonna do. Take pictures and send them. Then maybe they’ll replace Big Red. I’m sure Dell will call back when I’m not home, because that’s what they do!

So… Do you find reading difficult when it seems the whole world is against you or is reading a means to escape? I had really hoped for that escape, so maybe the world really IS against me.

Because I look scary or something. J

Happy Reading!


P.S. I noticed Blogger must have changed the way pictures post. I didn't get the option to make the picture larger or smaller and I had to drag the picture instead of clicking on Left/Right/Center. Why do they have to keep messing with stuff that isn't broken???? Why am I always whining??? Wasn't I supposed to stay positive??? Ugh. I'll do better next post.


JeffO said...

Hmm, I didn't notice that about blogger. But I did notice I once again have to go into my settings and tell it not to track my own page views when compiling stats. This is like having to constantly tell Facebook that I want "most recent" and not what IT thinks are "top stories."

There's a lot of...stuff...hanging around and over you right now, so it's perfectly understandable why you're not reading as much. As for me, I go either way. Sometimes, the concentration is there, other times, it's not. I hope your week improves from here.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Jeff - I thought about not tracking my own page views, then decided it wasn't worth it. Probably just as well if it keeps reverting back to tracking them. Yeah, I hate how Facebook never leaves it on "most recent," too! It's like what I want doesn't matter.

Maria Zannini said...

Holy moley, you have the patience of Job.

Dell has convinced me never to buy from them.

Stephanie Faris said...

Girl, been there, done that with the disappointing events. I don't even do solo booksignings anymore because of it. Actually, I will say that I don't see many solo events these days. Most people team up. If there's anyone nearby with a book coming out around the time of yours, contact them and ask if they'd like to join you the next time you have one of these. You'd be surprised how many people say YES! I'd do it in a heartbeat if someone here asked me to join with them, even if I didn't have a new book out at the time. I can always do with more sales of my last book!

Jennette Marie Powell said...

Dell really needs to replace that lemon of yours. Ugh!

You probably got one more person than I would have, If I did signings. That's why I don't! Sorry again that I couldn't make it. I bet a lot of people don't for the same reason.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Maria - I guess I am pretty patient, but even this is testing my limits. Still waiting for them to call.

Stephanie - This library event wasn't actually solo. There was another writer there (he wrote poetry). And it was free, so I couldn't really complain. Since my books can't be found in a book store, I'm not sure how else to go about book signings, except attend conventions (and I'm attending 3 this year).

Jennette - Yeah, that 1-3 on a Monday is a strange time. Too bad it wasn't in the evening. Might have had more traffic. Oh well...

The Happy Whisk said...

I haven't had that way with pictures yet. Unless I go to the older format. Fingers crossed the bugs get fixed.

Sorry about the one person. We've done craft shows like that.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Ivy - Yeah, not every event can be a winner, huh?