On Wednesday, The Spooky Whisk/Happy Whisk/Ivy asked these
What is
your least favorite household chore? And what is your favorite?
Well, I can definitely say I DO NOT have a favorite chore. I
hate them all. Probably why they're called CHORES. Ha ha!
But you made me think. Out of the chores I do, or used to
do, I'd say mowing the lawn was my least despised. I haven't mowed the lawn
this year (we got a service which was pretty reasonable – better than paying
the kids!), but I will most likely go back to mowing the lawn next year if I
don't have a paying job by then. So whether it's my favorite or least despised,
I don't mind that job so much. It's good exercise, too.
But then you probably wonder why we got a service if I
didn't mind this chore so much. Good question! Well, when I was working, I
really didn't have the time to do it. I wanted to write and writing time was
rare. Not the case any longer!
I had a harder time figuring out my least favorite (or most
despised) chore, though. There are so many to choose from. I guess I should
pick the one I don't do so often, since that would be a good indicator of how
much I hate doing it, but even that's a toss up between dusting and cleaning
the shower. But since dusting is easier, I guess then my choice would be cleaning
the shower. Why aren't they self-cleaning anyway? I get clean IN them, it would
only make sense they would stay clean. But nooooo.
Those were the only questions I was handed on Wednesday, so
I guess I can throw it back to you, dear reader. Which are your favorite and
least favorite (or least despised and most despised) chores?
I will not be able to respond to any comments today as I
will be in Columbus
for a writers convention (Central Ohio Fiction Writers). It goes through
Saturday evening. I'm looking forward to it. I have never been to this
convention before. I expect it to be a lot of fun (and I expect to know a few
more people there, too).
Hope your weekend is fantabulous!