Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Whoo Hoo!

I just came off a nice roller-coaster ride. Or maybe I’m still on it, but the ride has leveled out, getting ready for the next part. I just hope it goes up!

On Thursday, I pitched THE UNCOMMON ONE to an editor of a publishing company via the RWA Chapter I belong to. It’s the same chapter that offered a pitch session to another publishing company (one in which I participated and they requested the full ms and THEN rejected me – boo hoo).

On Friday, there was still no word and I went off to a high school football game (our team won – yea!). By the time we got home, it was after midnight and I went to bed.

When I got up the next morning, low & behold, I saw my name listed as one of the lucky participants to send in a full. Wow! The pitch worked? I was AMAZED! I was THRILLED!

There was only one problem: I was in the middle of editing the book. YIKES!

Talk about a frantic weekend. I had started making minor changes (which, of course, rippled throughout the book) and I wanted to incorporate them in the ms I was to send in. No problem, I told myself. I could do this and have it ready to send in on Monday.

Ha! I encountered conflict – just like my characters do in my books.

On Sunday we went to BW3’s to watch the Steelers play (since they weren’t on TV at home). I have no problem writing there for some strange reason, so I packed up the computer and took it with me. By the end of the first half, my battery was getting low, so I swapped it out for a fresh one. Or so I thought. Stupid me forgot to charge the extra battery! There went a couple of non-productive hours (at least the Steelers won – yea).

When we got home, I went back to work editing. Around 6:00, my head was pounding and my stomach was queasy. My husband wanted to know what was for dinner. Food did not appeal to me. By 6:30 I had to go lie down, resigning myself that I wouldn’t finish.

At 8:30 I awoke to no headache and no queasy stomach. So I headed downstairs. By 11:30 I still had twenty or so pages to go and I was at a part that needed a major re-haul.

So much for getting it ready for Monday. Instead, I got it ready for this morning. Hitting that send button was HARD! But the relief I felt after sending it off was major. It’s over. It’s out there. There’s nothing else I can do to it.

Now I get to wait and wonder. Will the ride go up or down?


K.A. Krantz said...

Woot! congrats on getting the full request *and* getting those last bits edited.

Stacy McKitrick said...

I'd like to think I'm done editing, but I highly doubt it. At least I still enjoyed reading the book - I haven't gotten sick of it yet!