Friday, October 26, 2012

Heavenly Intervention?

I like not having to go to a job I'm good at, but don't necessarily enjoy. Unfortunately, the pay sucks. However, even my husband is wondering if things are starting to work in my unemployment favor.
My husband was informed at his work about a bank offering a lower interest rate on our mortgage. We have a fairly low mortgage now and had just refinanced two years ago. But the closing costs were small and it intrigued him, so he checked it out.

Seems like we can save nearly $300 a month and drop the escrow. So, is someone intervening, helping us so we don't need me to bring in an income? (At least not right away – I am hoping to bring in writing income someday.) It would certainly help, that's for sure.

As for my job interview, it went as job interviews (for me) go. Short. But for a part-time job, it seemed more like a full-time job. 32 hours, 5 days a week, 9-4:30. Not exactly what I had in mind for a part-time job. We'll see if I get called back, though. I was told I'd be contacted either way, so at least I won't be left hanging (unlike some queries I've sent out!).

This week has been sunny and warm (for October in Ohio, kind of rare), so do you think we could have a warm, rain-free football night on Friday? Heck, no! In fact, the temps will be bottoming out and it'll probably be in the 40's (as well as raining, like it has almost EVERY Friday night during football season). I also heard snow may come into play next week. It's not fair going from the 70's to 30's. Not fair, I tell you!

Yeah, I'm not a fan of the cold weather. Guess that's the Southern Californian in me. Times like these when I miss that state. Oh well…

Happy Friday!

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