Thursday, May 30, 2024

Finished Reading “Charmed by the Past” and I’m Back Home

I am so glad to be back home. Twenty-four days away was just a bit much. And then the flight home was…torture!

Went to bed Monday night thinking our flight would leave at 12:30pm on Tuesday. A text went off on my phone around midnight informing us that our departure had changed to 1:06pm. There were storms in Dallas which were causing problems (mainly, the plane from Dallas couldn’t leave on time to Santa Barbara). The change was a little problematic, as it really cut short our layover in Dallas. Then I get another text at 6am saying the flight was changed to 2:15. Now we were missing our connecting flight.

I called American Airlines and was able to get a flight out of Santa Barbara at 9:56am (so much for thinking I had a leisurely morning!), but we wouldn’t be going to Dayton. We would be arriving in Cincinnati at 10:30pm via Phoenix with a 4-hour layover. That was doable. I changed our flight (at least there was not a cost to us).

We got to Phoenix. That flight to Cincinnati was also being delayed. First it was leaving at 3:30. Then 4:30. Then 6:30. I told Hubby that I felt like I was at the supermarket when I was asked whether I wanted to fly to Cincinnati or Columbus and of course I picked the wrong line! So we went and stood in line at customer service to see if we could get on that Columbus flight.

We could! Whew! And still no cost to us. Yay!

So instead of arriving in Cincinnati at 2am (if that flight even went), we arrived in Columbus at 10:17pm. Much better. And our luggage followed us there, too. Miracle!!

Here’s what I read since my last update:

Book 15

Dates read: May 24 – 30, 2024
Title: Charmed by the Past
Year of publication: 2021
Author: Aimee Robinson
Genre: Time travel romance
Series: Spirits Through Time #1
# of Pages: 255
Paper or plastic: Nook
How obtained: Freebie from B&N
Blurb from Goodreads: She’s researching her family’s genealogy, but she never expected to become history herself.
Sarah Johansson is planning a family reunion when a photo of a little-known relative sparks her curiosity. A closer look at the post-World War I image causes her to tumble back in time to 1919 and into the hospital room of a brooding, wounded infantry corporal.
    Jacob Bellamy is done with war and everything it involves. After risking his life in the trenches, he hopes to finally find peace by retiring to his family’s farm. But when the war’s toll strikes too close to home and lands him in a hospital bed, the last thing he’s prepared for is the beautiful, mysterious woman who barges into his room and demands help—or the long-dead feelings she stirs inside him.
    As Sarah tries to unravel clues about her family’s history, her attraction toward the sexy Army veteran only grows. But her time in the past is growing short, and when an old wartime enemy of Jacob’s sets his sights on the blond beauty, Jacob will stop at nothing to keep her safe...even if it means losing her for good.
Recommend: Maybe
My thoughts:
I had issues with this story. Only one scene from the ghost. Why have it if his appearance is not explained at all? And there were other issues with having someone from today being transported back 103 years. I just don’t know if I want to read the next book in this series (which I also got free), especially when I see WHO it’s about. He’s the villain in this book and I think he should remain that way. What he did could not be redeemed. But… if you like time travel romances, you might not have the same issues I did. And I did like Sarah and Jacob.

I was reading a book of short stories, all about different kinds of vampires, but as I was slogging through that, I realized I needed something fun to read, so I switched. Yeah, I read that much quicker. Don’t know if I’ll go back to the short stories. I’m not a huge fan of my new Nook anyway.

Happy Reading!



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

One of the many reasons I hate flying. At least you made it home the day you left.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Alex - That is true. Almost wasn't the case, though.