Sunday, January 12, 2025

Finished Reading “One Sad Kitty” and Tired of the Snow

I’m already tired of the snow. It snowed on Monday (6”). It snowed Friday on top of that (2”). Nothing is going to melt for a good long while. I’m really looking forward to leaving on Thursday. Don’t know how warm it will be as we drive toward Florida, but it’s gotta be warmer than here. It’s expected to be in the single digits on the morning we pack up the car. Brrrr!!!

Here’s what I read since my last update:

Book 2

Dates read: January 6-12, 2025
Title: One Sad Kitty
Year of publication: 2017
Author: Pepper McGraw
Genre: Paranormal romance
Series:  Murrysville Coalition #2
# of Pages: 171
Paper or plastic: Trade paperback
How obtained: Purchased from author
Blurb from Book: In the aftermath of tragedy, even the mating bond Julie never knew she had isn’t enough. It will take every bond of friendship, every bond of community and Coalition to carry her into the future.
    For ten years, Brian has denied the mating bond, protecting Julie from the true nature of his love for her. Then his best friend is murdered and Julie falls apart in the aftermath. To save her, to tie her to the community and home she loves, Brian will end a decade of silence, break the promise he made her brother and finally claim the mate he’s always loved.

Recommend: Yes
My thoughts:
So… this isn’t a continuation of book 1, but is taking place DURING book 1. So… a lot of the story in this book was duplicated and sort of boring (because of the duplication). I pretty much KNEW how this book would end since it was implied in book 1. Again, I expected a little more humor in this book than I thought I’d get.

Barnes & Noble was having a book sale just after Christmas (plus bonus stamps for purchasing). It was buy one paperback, get one 50% off. I already had one of the paperbacks in my wish list so I went searching for another that I might like to try. I saw this book by Sarah J. Maas. It was the first in the series and figured now would be a good time to try her out. I didn’t bother reading any of the details of the book (besides the blurb) and now I’m thinking maybe I should have. When I received my order, I gasped as I pulled this 800-page tome from the box! I’m taking it on our trip, figuring I won’t finish it in 3 weeks. Hope I like it. Just in case, I’m also bringing my Nook. Oh, and some crochet projects. Always gotta have crochet projects.

So don’t be surprised if you don’t hear from me for awhile. Especially if I like the book.

800 pages. And it’s only Book 1? I’m still shaking my head.

Happy Reading!



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Crap, that's an epic fantasy length! Like Wheel of Time. (Which I gave up on.)
We had a threat of snow here, but it was mostly ice, sleet, and freezing rain.

Stacy McKitrick said...

It does appear to be a fantasy book. We'll see how it goes. I don't always read that genre but I'm willing to try it when the blurb sounds interesting.

Tanja said...

Hope it’s warmed up in FL by now. It’s been long time since I could write in here. I could read your wonderful blog, but Google was giving me fits ever since we used the FL Toll pass (I’m so non-tech). Thx for your book recommends.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Tanja, it's been pretty nice in Florida. At least in the Miami area. We head to Titusville tomorrow, so we'll see if it's warm there, too.

The Happy Whisk said...

Sounds fun. We saw the sale too only sadly it wasn't for the journals I got. Still a good deal using up past points. We love Barnes! Happy Reading and weekend to you.

The Happy Whisk said...

Hope it warms up for you soon.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Ivy - Not warming up today, that's for sure. More snow!!!