Since Alien Desires is with my editor, I have been able to get back to The Alien’s Change of Heart. I made a lot of changes to Book 1 which made a lot of what I had previously started in Book 2 obsolete. But I’m having fun coming up with new stuff. It’s been so long since I actually wrote something new. I forgot how much fun it could be. Well, until I hit a dead end. At least that hasn’t happened too much this go round. But the book is young…
Here’s what I read since my last
Book 6
Dates read: March 8 – 24, 2025
Title: You Can Hide
Year of publication: 2022
Author: Rebecca Zanetti
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Series: Laurel Snow #2
# of Pages: 341
Paper or plastic: Mass market paperback
How obtained: Purchased from B&N
Blurb from Book: Calling Laurel Snow’s relationship with her newly discovered half sister challenging is an understatement. Not only does Laurel suspect Abigail is behind the mysterious disappearance of their father, but her erratic behavior also makes life in Laurel’s small hometown interesting, to say the least. Still, when Abigail claims someone is now out to kill her, Laurel’s instinct to protect her sister goes into overdrive. Then things get even more dicey as dead bodies start turning up in the icy waters of the Sauk River and there’s only one connection among them: Abigail…
Having Fish and Wildlife Captain Huck Rivers bringing in those bodies with his dive team only complicates matters. Huck is as impulsive and fiery as Laurel is coolly analytical, which makes their alliance risky at best. But standing up to such a demonically brilliant killer is going to take all the help Laurel can get. Because Laurel’s attempt to save her troubled sister’s life might cost her own…
Recommend: Yes
My thoughts: Parts of this dragged on a little, which made it easy for me to put down at times. I still enjoyed it, though. I like the characters very much. And while the romance is barely there, it is there, which is fine by me!
Some days interesting ideas run through my head and I think,
“I should write a blog about that. Maybe after I finish the book I’m reading.”
Thing is, I don’t write ANYTHING down, thus forgetting the interesting idea.
Sometimes I wonder if I will ever learn!
I must remember to WRITE IT DOWN! Do you have this same problem?
It’s frustrating, isn’t it?
Happy Reading!
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