Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I'm Ready & Free to Write

It’s cold outside. Hovering around 30 degrees. And the wind is blowing. I think I hate winter.

This morning it snowed, but we won’t be having a white Christmas. Apparently the temps will rise into the forties on Thursday and Friday, and rain is forecasted. So it will be a wet Christmas.

The only time I like snow is when I don’t have to drive in it. I had to drive in it this morning and let me tell you, I freaked out all during the 20-some miles from home to work. I drive mostly interstate, but still. Ice is ice. If it weren’t for the fact I hated my last job, I’d still be driving only six miles to work. Short commutes are worth something, but not enough to stay in that job.

So now I must drive long distances in weather that can be questionable during this time of year. Wish I were published already. Then I could quit. Unfortunately, I don’t see that happening for a few years, yet (but I do see it happening – so that’s good, right?).

Came up with a better query yesterday. Refining it some more today. Need feedback from the daughter. I’m just happy I found the angle I was looking for. Why it took me so long is another matter.

I got to write last night (happy happy joy joy). The shopping is done (except for the groceries – that will happen tomorrow morning) and the wrapping is finished.  I’m READY (yea!). The husband had some things he wanted to take care of last night, so I jumped all over the free time that was handed to me and wrote. Got two new pages, too (almost up to 26,000 words). I think it helped that I figured out how my query should be for Book 1 (since I’m writing the sequel in Book 2). For a while there, I thought I was going to have to re-think Book 1 and re-write a majority of it. All because I was going at the query the wrong way. UGH! It’s amazing how such a little thing can bring such dire thoughts.

Oh well, enough rambling. Merry Christmas! Keep warm.

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