Friday, December 26, 2014

Some Pictures from My Cruise

I took over 300 pictures on my camera (and some more on my iPhone, which I still have to download), so picking a few to post here was kind of difficult. As much as I'd like to share them all, I don't want to bore you. I hope what I have here will be interesting (and remember, you can enlarge the picture when you click on it).

 I thought I would start out by showing what our cabin looked like. We had an inside room (meaning, no windows). This was a first for us and believe it or not, it really wasn't all that bad. Anyway, here's the bed (hmmm... wonder who is sleeping in my bed???). As you can tell, there isn't a lot of space to move around.

Hey look! You can see me in the mirror. We're only there one day and you can tell what a mess we made it. But heck, there isn't really anyway you can store your stuff neatly!

Ahead is the door to the hallway. The bathroom is situated behind the television and mirror (that bright light on the right). Yes, rooms come with a television. Not many channels, though. Most of them are about the cruise!

Here's the inside of the bathroom. Compact, huh? And I thought my shower at home was small. See that picture above the toilet? Well, look at the picture below.

Is this supposed to be an example of how to use the toilet? I mean, what kind of picture is this to put in the bathroom? Crazy! Then my husband asked me the same thing (and I hadn't even said anything about the picture to him!). We definitely think alike, huh?

Here's the sink. I was shocked we got some counter space!

Here's a shot at our first port, St. Martaan. It was the only day we got rain. Our original excursion was cancelled (a walking tour, so probably a good thing not enough people signed up for it) and the shots from the tour we did take weren't all that great.

Here's a shot of St. Kitt from the ship.

We took a tour around the island of St. Kitt. Weather certainly improved.

Still on St. Kit. This shot shows the Atlantic ocean on the left and the Carribbean Sea on the right.
Next day we arrived at San Juan. This is part of the old fort (taken from another part of the old fort).

Street in old San Juan.

Nice panoramic shot of San Juan from the ship.

When we arrived at Grand Turk, I was amazed at how beautiful the water was. Clear, too!

Grand Turk is really flat. And small. We took an ATV tour around the island. Even stopped a couple of times, and it only took 2 hours. Very beautiful beaches, though.

That's all I got for today. Hope you enjoyed them. On Monday, I'll show you the pictures of all the towel creatures I stumbled across on the ship (a lot of them are on the iPhone, which, remember, I still have to download).

So... Did you have a good Christmas? I got this great black & gold Penguins jersey with the number 87 and the name Crosby. Awesome!! Can't wait to wear it to a game.



JeffO said...

Great pictures, Stacy, glad you had a good time.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Thanks, Jeff. I try hard not to bore people! :)

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...


travel...the best education

Stacy McKitrick said...

Mac - Not only the best education, the fun kind, too! :)

Todd R Moody said...

We've never done a cruise, but it looks beautiful. I hope you are really enjoying yourselves!

Maria Zannini said...

I could use a cruise about now. :)

Glad you had a good time. Welcome back!

Stacy McKitrick said...

Todd - The cruise was fun. I like being pampered. Oh, and the warm weather. Why'd I come home? Haha! :)

Maria - One of these days you're gonna just have to do it! :)

The Happy Whisk said...

That water is amazing. So pretty. But yeah, that picture of the person using the crapper. Weird, eh.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Ivy - Weird is right. Kind of wonder who was in charge of decoration, and if it's some kind of inside joke! :)