Sunday, November 19, 2023

Finished Reading “Darius” and Cleaning Up

For years, we’ve had two DVR boxes in the living room. Mainly because we watched so many series, that sometimes two would be recording and we’d want to watch some sporting event. Or we wanted to record a third and it wouldn’t do it.

But a lot of the series we watched are no longer airing. One DVR is hardly used, we didn’t need two. And when the main box acted up (couldn’t fast forward through the commercials on some of the recordings—annoying), we figured we didn’t need to pay for two DVRs.

So yesterday we finally disconnected that unreliable DVR and moved the backup to its place (after a long time of testing to make sure the backup didn’t also act up). Never realized how many wires were no longer needed (because we didn’t need the splitter). It looks…cleaner! On Monday I’ll return the unreliable DVR and start saving some money, too.

Here’s what I read since my last update:

Book 56

Dates read: November 16-19, 2023
Title: Darius
Year of publication: 2022
Author: J.R. Ward
Genre: Paranormal romance
Series: Black Dagger Brotherhood #0
# of Pages: 295
Paper or plastic: Hard cover
How obtained: Purchased
Blurb from book: Darius, son of Marklon, isn’t looking for love the night destiny comes to claim him. He’s also not interested in crashing his new car. But when a human runs out into the road and he must swerve to avoid killing her…everything goes off course.
    Disillusioned by his King’s lack of leadership and the losses in the war against the Lessening Society, Darius finds purpose in protecting a woman he cannot make his own. Love finds a way, however—until the truth of what he is comes out and she leaves him in horror.
    Unbeknownst to them both, Anne is carrying his young, a female who is destined to be Queen—and after a tragic reunion, he vows to protect their daughter. Resigned to perpetual sadness, he is determined to serve the memory of his beloved no matter the cost…unless, by some miracle, fate sees fit to once again bring them together.
Recommend: Yes
My thoughts:
Darius died in book 1 of the series (practically the first chapter!) and I’ve always wanted to know more about him. So glad she gave us this story. Yes, I cried at the end!!

I was reading the Epilogue of Darius yesterday when I had to leave for my COFW meeting. I was hoping to just squeeze in those last pages, but nope. Then I got home, watched the OSU game, had dinner, and never sat back at the table where the book was to remind me to finish it! Not that I had the time to savor it then. Glad I waited until this morning, where nothing rushed me and I could just enjoy it.

Editing has slowed a tiny bit. Not due to anything except…doctor appointments. Plus, I’ve gotten to the point in Ghostly Protector where I actually added stuff (actually, the part that kept me baffled for two years), so I need to pay more attention and beef it up with more emotion and description. And being disrupted with appointments is quite annoying. Not to mention that the appointments themselves are quite annoying.

This week is pretty free, though (aside from Thanksgiving). I have hope I’ll finish soon.

Happy Reading! And Happy Thanksgiving!


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