Monday, June 24, 2024

Finished Reading “Bite Me Twice” and a Book Bub feature

So… Ghostly Protector is now available for sale. Sales have been lack luster, but then I haven’t really advertised anywhere…yet. I got lucky and it was selected for a Book Bub New Releases for Less. The book will be in their July 2nd issue and will go out to 530,000 email addresses. Whoo hoo! Here’s hoping I didn’t waste my money.

Here’s what I read since my last update:

Book 17

Dates read: June 11-24, 2024
Title: Bite Me Twice
Year of publication: 2023
Author: Molly Burkhart
Genre: Paranormal
Series: Pain in the Neck Trilogy #2
# of Pages: 255
Paper or plastic: Trade paperback
How obtained: Purchased from author at a convention
Blurb from book: When Linnie Rogers agrees to move in with three vampires and be their safe food source during the scourge of the Wicked Thicks, she thinks she knows what she’s getting into. It’s an even trade—a pampered life for occasional sips of her untainted blood.
    She doesn’t expect her life to become more complicated instead of less so. She has to be even more careful to prevent COVID to keep up her end of the bargain. Her beloved cat absolutely loathes the vampires.
    But the developing feelings are the real complication—their feelings for her and hers for them. She’s not sure what scares her more: the shadowy mist monster waiting to pounce or a serious case of the likes for her soon-to-be-roommates.
    When a COVID scare at work forces her hand, Linnie must resign herself to either saying an immediate goodbye to her independent lifestyle or signing on with the conspiracy theorist leaving notes on her desk. Will she choose the vampires or place her bet on the Wicked Thicks?
Recommend: Maybe (we’ll see how I feel after reading book 3)
My thoughts:
Again, it says “to be continued” at the end. And I’m still waiting on the love story. I’m really thinking these three books could have easily been combined into one.

I’m still having issues with uploading Ghostly Protector to Ingram Spark (which was probably a good thing since I needed to upload to Amazon first to be able to use the same ISBN in both places), so the only place you can get a paperback is through Amazon (I do not have it in extended distribution with them). Eventually I’ll get it straightened out, but while I was ready to pull my hair our because I needed books for the book convention I’m going to in July (and well before I uploaded the book to Amazon), I remembered I could order them through Lulu press (without an ISBN). On June 13th I got my order delivered. Whew! I’m all set for Savannah now.

This publishing thing is not easy on the brain. I really need to create a checklist for next time.

Happy Reading!



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

How much does a BookBub ad cost?
Glad you got your paperbacks!

Stacy McKitrick said...

Alex - Cost varies. For the New Releases for Less in the paranormal romance category, it cost me $290. I believe if I had submitted for a Book Bub Deal (or whatever it's called), it would have been a lot more. Also, other genres are less. The more popular, the more expensive.