Monday, July 22, 2024

Finished Reading “Eternity Embraced” and an Award

So… Literary Love Savannah 2024 is over. My sales were lackluster again, but hey, I hooked up with some new readers and you really can’t put a price on that, right? They were so awesome, too. And this is why I keep coming back (and why I have already registered for next year’s convention).

The readers were so great, they actually gave me an award! Most Chill Author. Ain’t it pretty?? I think 5-6 awards were given out on the last night. Color me shocked that I even got picked for one!! They made my con, that’s for sure. Here’s a picture of it, too. Isn’t it cool? I got it displayed for EVERYONE to see.

And no, that’s not in the bathroom. Please!!

Here’s what I read since my last update:

Book 21

Dates read: July 19-20, 20204
Title: Eternity Embraced
Year of publication: 2011
Author: Larissa Ione
Genre: Paranormal romance
Series: Demonica #3.5
# of Pages: 32
Paper or plastic: Nook
How obtained: Free from somewhere a long time ago
Blurb from Goodreads: Desire…
    Demon slayer Andrea Cole has always taken down the demons and vampires she hunts without mercy. But when a fellow slayer is captured and turned into a vampire by a sadistic monster, she must choose between loyalty to her family and the man she loves.
    Versus Instinct…
    Kaden Quinn has dedicated his life to slaying vampires, so when he is turned into one, his greatest nightmare comes to life. And when the woman he loves is thrown into a dungeon with him — as food — he must battle new instincts and old desires, and choose between his life, and hers.

Recommend: Yes
My thoughts:
I enjoyed this story. Don’t know why it took me so long to read it, except it was on my Nook and it was short? Yeah, that’s probably why. I will have to check out the rest of the series now. And no, I did not need to have read books 1-3 before picking this up. Completely self-contained. It was a good introduction for me to want to read more in this world, that’s for sure.

Weather in Savannah was brutal last week. In the 90s every day (with feel-like temps in the 100s). Storms every night (one night we lost power for about a minute). So humid, it was almost hard to breathe. I’m relishing the 80 degree temps and lower humidity at home. Almost feels cool outside!

So… I’m home and life is still not normal. Doctor appointments Tues, Wed, and Thurs. Oh wait, that IS normal. Guess I just better get back to work, huh?

Happy Reading!


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