Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I’m Still Reading—Honest

While I can’t talk about what I’m reading at the moment, doesn’t mean I’m not reading. I’ve got seven books to read, and I’ve already finished two. My Goodreads goal will be all screwed up until sometime in July, when I can record these books as read.

But just because I can’t talk about what I’m reading, doesn’t mean I can’t talk about books. Like the books I’ve recently purchased. Seems I have this disease. A book-buying disease. And the thing is, there are more books I want to purchase.

You see… I need, yes NEED, #5-13 of the Midnight Breed series by Lara Adrian. Purchasing them on line would only get me free shipping, but buying them in the store would get me 10% off. On Saturday I was at a Barnes and Noble and as luck would have it, they didn’t have the books (they’re published by Dell, so I really thought they might). Means I’ll have to buy them on line, once I get a coupon. Lots of coupons, actually. Good thing I’m in no hurry to read these. But once I start, I don’t want to stop. I get that way with series sometimes, and I have a feeling I will with this one. The first three were great and #4 is sitting in my pile, waiting for me to read it. Now I think I’ll wait until I get the rest. Why torture myself?

I’m also in the middle of reading Sylvia Day’s Crossfire series. Received the next two books on the same day I received those books I can’t talk about. And today I discovered a new vampire romance series by Kristen Painter and the first book was free (digital version). Yep, I got it. At least that series is new. If I get hooked, I won’t have a bunch to purchase. Of course, by the time I get to that free one, who knows how many there will be?

In the meantime, I’m reading. And reading, and reading, and reading. Oh yeah, I’m writing, too. Almost finished polishing A Vampire Wedding. I expect to send that to my editor today (**fingers crossed**). Then it’ll be back to work on Ghostly Interlude. I said I would finish the edits by the end of March. Gotta stick to the plan!

So… Do you have this book-buying disease, too? I really don’t see how I’ll ever read everything I have. But I’ll certainly have fun trying!

Happy Reading!



Bonnie said...

I do too!
Btw, I love Kristen Painter's Nocturne Falls series. There's 4 books out already. Super fun.

Jennette Marie Powell said...

I totally have that disease. Luckily, I prefer indie books - much cheaper. Yes, I NEED Laura Kirwan's next book, whatever it is.

I also buy ebooks, which has two distinct advantages: my bookshelves are full, and my husband can't see how many books I buy. :D

Kate Larkindale said...

I totally understand. There are not enough days left in my life to read everything I want to read.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Bonnie - #1 of the Nocturne Falls series is the one I got for free. Looks like #5 comes out this year. Aaack!! :)

Jennette - I buy e-books, too, but if I really like it, I want a paper copy. I guess I'm strange that way.

Kate - That's a scary thought! And probably true in my case, too. :)