Friday, December 22, 2017

Me Bad

Okay, so this is why I only say I MIGHT do something, because I know when my list of things to do is long, that posting pictures from my cruise is gonna be on the bottom of that list. And since I haven't completed everything else on the list...

Yeah, I haven't downloaded my pictures yet.

But the tree is up! It's just not decorated. And I have MOST of the presents I need wrapped by tomorrow, wrapped. Which means I still have some to wrap today. I've managed to sweep the floors, but the vacuum cleaner hasn't moved an inch. And I won't even mention the bathroom.

I can't even blame it on my radiation treatments, either. Those haven't taken so long and after three treatments, I'm not feeling the effects yet. Well, not so much anyway.

So... Maybe NEXT Friday I'll have pictures to post. Because I really doubt I'll download those pictures this weekend. You see...there's this big holiday coming up and I still have lots more presents to wrap.

You all have a great weekend!



Maria Zannini said...

Glad to hear you're still not having bad side effects from radiation.

Happy Christmas!

JeffO said...

It's all about the priorities. Sounds like yours are in the right place.

Glad to hear the radiation is tolerable.

Have a great Christmas!

Erin Kane Spock said...

Fingers crossed for you about your treatments.

We put our tree up on Monday and decorated it on Weds. Christmas is coming at us like a bullet train and I'm not ready. I wanted to enjoy this season, to take the time to be in the moment, but it's just too hectic. Maybe tomorrow I'll let myself just breathe.

Merry Christmas

Stacy McKitrick said...

Maria - Not bad side effects, but it is starting to get sore. No more treatments until Wednesday, though, so maybe it won't feel so sore on Monday.

Jeff - Setting priorities... Sometimes I have a hard time doing that. Getting better at it, though.

Erin - I doubt I get any time to "be in the moment." Well... maybe on Monday. :)

dolorah said...

Never do today what you can put off tomorrow, lol. Unless, the deadline is tomorrow. Then, maybe its time to finish . . .

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!

Stacy McKitrick said...

Donna - I tend to wait until the last moment to do most things. Guess I work better under pressure! Haha!

Jennifer Lee Rossman said...

No need to decorate - as you open the presents, crumple up the paper and stick it on the tree! Boom, decorated! :P

Stacy McKitrick said...

Jennifer - I like the way you decorate! Haha! Merry Christmas!!