Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Reading Update and MRI Results

So… My doctor called me the day after my MRI to give me the results. All’s good! I asked the doctor why he wanted one. Seems that kidney cancer likes to travel to the brain. Okay, didn’t know that. So I’m in the clear. For now, I guess. He told me when he sees me on April 11 (I have a CT scan on the 4th), we’ll talk about treatment. This probably means more pills (chemo doesn’t work on kidney cancer). Ugh. I just hope it doesn’t delay having my heart surgery. I’d like to get that done so I can get on with my life!

Here’s what I read since my last update:

Book 10

Dates read: March 22-29, 2022
Title: The Sorority Murder
Year of publication: 2021
Author: Allison Brennan
Genre: Suspense/Thriller
Series: N/A
# of Pages: 440
Paper or plastic: Mass market paperback
How obtained: Purchased
Blurb from the book: Lucas Vega is obsessed with the death of Candace Swain, who left a sorority party one night and never came back. Her body was found after two weeks, but the case has grown cold. Three years later while interning at the medical examiner’s, Lucas discovers new information, but the police are not interested.
    Lucas knows he has several credible pieces of the puzzle. He just isn’t sure how they fit together. So he creates a podcast to revisit Candace’s last hours. Then he encourages listeners to crowdsource what they remember and invites guest lecturer Regan Merritt, a former US marshal, to come on and share her expertise.
    New tips come in that convince Lucas and Regan they are onto something. Then shockingly one of the podcast callers turns up dead. Another hints at Candace’s secret life, a much darker picture than Lucas imagined—and one that implicates other sorority sisters. Regan uses her own resources to bolster their theory and learns that Lucas is hiding his own secret. The pressure is on to solve the murder, but first Lucas must come clean about his real motives in pursuing this podcast—before the killer silences him forever.
My thoughts: Although Allison Brennan has tons of romantic suspense books out there, this is a straight suspense/thriller. And a very good one at that. I had no issues sitting and reading for hours at a time, something I haven’t done in a long, long time.  

I still haven’t gone back to writing, but I am thinking about my story more. I figure that’s a start, since I hadn’t been thinking about it for a long time. Sometimes I wonder if I just need to be somewhere else. Like the library or something. Until I lose this stupid cough, I won’t feel comfortable in the library.

I don’t know if I have COVID cough or just the regular cough I usually get after a cold. The kind that just won’t go away. The flem is in my throat, so I guess it’s from my sinuses. And, of course, allergy season is upon us. That doesn’t help me, either. But once the cough is gone, I’ll look into going somewhere else and see if that helps jumpstart my writing. I can only hope!

Happy Reading!



JeffO said...

Yay for the MRI results! I'm curious, what kind of pills do they give you for kidney cancer? I don't know much about it.

If there's any good that's come out of COVID, it's that maybe, just maybe we won't insist on going out and doing all the things when we're sick. Even when we *know* it's just the cold you always get at this time of year, it might be best to just chill out for a day and stay home. Even if it is "just a cold", why share?

Stacy McKitrick said...

Jeff - I have no idea what kind of pills I'd get for kidney cancer. But I was told (prior to my surgery) some people don't react well to them. Just another thing to be concerned about. I'll find out more on April 11.

Maria Zannini said...

That is good news. And April is just around the corner.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad the results were good! Hope they can take care of it soon and you get your heart surgery.
Pollen is all over the place here, so likely allergies.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Maria - Two weeks isn't so long.

Alex - Pollen is just starting here. Today was a warm day, but we'll be back in the 50s tomorrow. Ick.