Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Reading Update and I’m Back at It

Yesterday (Monday), I woke up motivated to start stepping with the actual step again. And you know what? It wasn’t horrible. I wasn’t able to do the WHOLE routine with the step, but I probably did 80%. Not bad. Not bad at all.

I planned to do the same this morning. However, I woke up not quite as motivated. I wasn’t sore, just not interested. But, I forced my butt out of bed and got with the program. It was rougher today (motivation sure makes a difference) and I probably did more like 70% with the step. But I did it. For that, I think I deserve a pat on the back.

Oh, and the exercise (so far) hasn’t wiped out my entire day! That right there is very encouraging. Means maybe my heart valve is working and taking only one of the immunotherapy drugs (the one with lesser effects) is making a difference.

Of course, I start this exercise routine just before we leave for a cruise, but I enjoy walking for my exercise on the ship, so I won’t be slacking. Instead, I’ll be enjoying the warmer air!!

Here’s what I read since my last update:

Book 2

Dates read: January 11-16, 2023
Title: Rafael
Year of publication: 2021
Author: Laurell K. Hamilton
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Series: Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #28
# of Pages: 258
Paper or plastic: Mass market paperback
How obtained: Purchased
Blurb from book: Rafael, king of the wererats, must fight to the death to defend his crown. He wants Anita Blake, one of his closest allies, with him as he faces an opponent unlike any he’s faced before. He will ask Anita to risk everything to be at his side…
    But some of the wererats fear that Rafael depends too much on Anita and her ties to the vampires. They believe that there is only room in America for one supernatural king, and Rafael will turn them into nothing more than food for the bloodsuckers.
    Among his enemies, a new challenger has arisen who is younger, hungrier, and has dark secrets that could destroy both the wererats and the vampires. Rafael will go into the magical heart of his people to find the power and violence that he needs to save them all, or die trying.
My thoughts: I enjoyed this story well enough. It was written to showcase this one character, so I knew going in I wouldn’t get the same kind of story. I’ve never been a huge fan of Rafael, but this was a nice story about him. Of course, I’m not so sure I like the wererats any better than before.

I still haven’t gotten back into my writing, but I’m really hoping this upcoming cruise will help in that regard. I do know how to fix my story (which is the hurdle that has stopped me) and looking forward to just relaxing on the cruise and enjoying writing again. That’s my goal, anyway.

And in case you want to know where I’m going… Aruba, Bonaire, Grand Turk, Cozumel, Jamaica, and Dominican Republic (not particularly in that order). 14 days of warm-weather bliss!

Happy Reading!


1 comment:

The Happy Whisk said...

I get that. I feel that way at times too. Great job on pushing your butt to get it done! High five and mini wave to you!

Love to read that your heart valve is working and taking to treatment.

Warmer on the cruise sounds fun too!

Here's to you enjoying writing again. Do you ever hit Barnes Cafe for writing? Or any coffee house?