Saturday, July 22, 2023

Finished Reading “Boy Overboard” and I’m Ready for Home

Another LLS (Literary Love Savannah) is about done. Well, done for me. All I have left to attend is the raffle basking drawing tomorrow morning and then Hubby and I will be on our way home. I’m ready to sleep in my own bed. And be where it’s a little cooler.

Now watch Dayton get hit with a heat wave. That would be my luck.

Sales weren’t what I’d hoped, but I think a lot of people who stopped by my table today will get an e-book. I hope, anyway.

Here’s what I read since my last update:

Book 38

Dates read: July 20, 2023
Title: Boy Overboard
Year of publication: 2022
Author: Miski Harris
Genre: M/M Contemporary Romance
Series: All American Boy Series
# of Pages: 91
Paper or plastic: Trade paperback
How obtained: Won at LLS2023
Blurb from Book: Why must Fate insist on having the last word?
    Spoiled rich kid Riko Walker has spent the past year roaming the New England coast, working hard to maintain the rudderless image his father believes. Riko doesn’t need his father, or anybody else. Until a beating leaves him broken and alone in the middle of nowhere.
    Braxton Harper’s inner voice screams “don’t get involved!” when he finds a bloodied and beaten young man in a heap on the roadside. He’s gotten good at ignoring that voice, loading the stranger into his truck and promising a place to rest and heal.
    The Titanic-sized chip on Riko’s shoulder makes Braxton want to drop this ungrateful brat and be on his way. After all, no one handed Braxton anything in life. He’s worked hard for what little he has. If Riko doesn’t want help, why bother?
    Fate has no patience for their stubbornness, throwing the two together time after time. How can sparks fly between two so different men? And can they move past ugly beginnings to find their common ground?
My thoughts: Basically, this is about a spoiled brat who gets everything he doesn’t deserve. Might not have cared if there was any emotion to the story. Even the romance lacked tension. I was hoping to like this story before I handed it to my daughter. I’ll still hand it to her, but I’ll be curious to see how she likes it. Thank goodness it’s short.

I did buy some books at the convention today. One author was in the vampire party I was also hosting last night and her books sounded interesting, so I got the trilogy. Another author I had a meal with the other day wrote books I was sure my daughter would enjoy (she texted that she would), so I bought some of her books, too. And while I sold one copy of the Bitten by Love series and one copy of the Ghostly Encounter series (a total of 8 books) in preorders, I only sold one book at the convention. I shouldn’t let it get to me. I mean, I should be used to this by now. But still…it stings.

Happy Reading!



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry you didn't sell more. Too bad the authors whose books you purchased didn't buy any of yours.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Alex - That would have been nice, but not really expected.