Sunday, August 18, 2024

Finished Reading “Holly” and the Olympics Took Over

I feel like I’ve been on hold for a few weeks. And I blame the Olympics. I keep saying I’m not interested, but then I start watching and guess what? I’m interested!  So they basically took over my life. Not that there’s much to TAKE over. Mainly reading and writing.

And while I finally finished reading the book I started before the Olympics took over, I’m slowly getting back into Alien Desires (the next book I hope to publish). I thought I had finished it last year. Had given it to my editor, even. But then a respected author told me that my hero wasn’t very heroic.

Well, shit. Can’t have that!

So I recalled the book while I was working on getting Ghostly Protector published. I kind of know what I need to do, but as I started writing the next book in the series, The Alien’s Change of Heart, I realized I didn’t really know my alien character’s world all that much and I do now. So, that’s also getting added. All good stuff. Just taking longer than I had hoped. But it will make for a better book, and that’s what counts. Right?

Here’s what I read since my last update:

Book 23

Dates read: July 26 – August 16, 2024
Title: Holly
Year of publication: 2023
Author: Stephen King
Genre: Horror
Series: N/A
# of Pages: 446
Paper or plastic: Hard cover
How obtained: Purchased
Blurb from Book: When Penny Dahl calls the Finders Keepers detective agency, hoping for help locating her missing daughter, Holly is reluctant to accept the case. Her partner, Pete, has Covid. Her (very complicated) mother has just died. And Holly is meant to be on leave. But something in Penny Dahl’s desperate voice makes it impossible for Holly to turn her down.
    Mere blocks from where Bonnie Dahl disappeared live Professors Rodney and Emily Harris. They are the picture of bourgeois respectability: married octogenarians, devoted to each other, and semiretired lifelong academics. But they are harboring an unholy secret in the basement of their well-kept, book-lines home, one that may be related to Bonnie’s disappearance. And it will prove nearly impossible to discover what they are up to: they are savvy, they are patient, and they are ruthless.
    Holly must summon all her formidable talents to outthink and outmaneuver the shockingly twisted professors in this chilling new masterwork from Stephen King.
Recommend: Yes
My thoughts: I would have read it faster if not for the Olympics (that pretty much shut me down for a couple of weeks, but what can I say, I love the Olympics!). This is one GROSS story. Yes, I enjoyed it (I love Holly, Jerome, & Barbara—ever since Mr. Mercedes). I guess that makes me one sick puppy. And while you don’t need to have read The Bill Hodges trilogy, The Outsiders, or If It Bleeds, it might be helpful to understand Holly better. Especially the trilogy.

So… I’ve been getting some physical therapy regarding my left hip and knee. Walking has been aggravating them so I went and saw a doctor to make sure I wasn’t making things worse. I might have bursitis in the hip so I’ve been given some exercises. Don’t know how well they’re helping since I don’t always feel the pain, but it certainly isn’t hurting. Well, except when I do some of the exercises. It’s been awhile since I used those muscles!! Yeah, totally out of shape. But I’m trying to do better. I hate being so slow.

I’ll get a real chance to try it out, though. Dragon Con is only 11 days away!! Whoo hoo!

Happy Reading!



The Happy Whisk said...

Sorry the walking is aggravating things. Here's to feeling all the way better soon.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's a bummer walking hurts! Hope the new exercises help. And yeah, I watched more of the Olympics than I thought I would.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Thanks, Ivy. I'm hoping it gets better, too.
Alex: So far they seem to be working. Big test will be in Atlanta.

The Happy Whisk said...
