Thursday, August 29, 2024

Finished Reading “Love, Lies & Hocus Pocus—Revelations” and I’m at Dragon Con

It’s Labor Day weekend (well, almost) and that means…Dragon Con! We got into Atlanta yesterday to a bigger crowd than we’ve ever seen on that day. I mean, we come a day early because it’s quieter. Apparently, not anymore. Wednesday has become the new Thursday and Thursday the new Friday. I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out to be a whole week long at this rate.

But I’ve pretty much got my whole stay planned. And daughter and I already have appointments for group photos: cast of Roswell and cast of Resident Alien. It’s more than I’ve ever spent on photos, so I’m not looking to get anymore. Well, except maybe some selfies in the Walk of Fame. Provided they aren’t charging a fortune for one.

And we’ll see if I can last the day of busy panels and standing in line (in 90+ degree heat, at that). I’ve been known to say “screw it” and go back to my room until the next day. You wouldn’t think it would be exhausting, but fighting crowds of over 70,000 people is exactly that. Still, we keep coming back.

Here’s what I read since my last update:

Book 25

Dates read: August 23-29, 2024
Title: Love, Lies & Hocus Pocus—Revelations
Year of publication: 2016
Author: Lydia Sherrer
Genre: Paranormal
Series: The Lily Singer Adventures #2
# of Pages: 259
Paper or plastic: Trade paperback
How obtained: Purchased
Blurb from Book: Being a wizard, Lily Singer likes her magic logical and systematic. So when her cat suddenly starts opening locked doors and telling her what to do, she is not pleased. Before Lily can deal with her errant feline, however, her witch friend Sebastian warns of a heist plot at the very museum she was just hired to ward.
    Lily must lay a trap for the would-be thief and figure out why Sebastian is suddenly acting so suspicious, all while wrangling her newly magical cat. To make matters worse, a mysterious wizard waltzes into her life claiming to know the truth about her past, and Lily must decide who, amid all the chaos, she can trust. Will discovering the past reveal her future? Or doom it?
Recommend: Yes
My thoughts:
Okay, the cat finally started talking in the first chapter. But I still haven’t found the snark or the love (as the titles implies), so I’m not going to bother buying anymore. That’s not to say I didn’t like them. They were okay to read. Just not what I look for in a book.

It’s not like I don’t have a pile of books to read as it is. And since I’m away, I’ll pick something on my Nook next. Maybe the one of vampire short stories that I stopped reading while in California. Just so I can get the thing marked as read!

I brought my crochet projects with me. Not just to work during the car drive here and back, but also because there’s a panel on crafts (for us to bring our own) and I had started working on this little vampire bat that the instructions don’t really show how to assemble it! It was a kit I purchased, so it wasn’t like I could see the pattern beforehand. I made sure to complete all the parts and I’m really hoping someone shows up in the panel and can show me how to attach the ears and wings. I also brought another project that is way easier to do (a pretty lacy scarf). I may work on it while I’m waiting in line for one of the many panels I plan on attending. I don’t need to count stitches and rows with that (unlike the vampire bats). I really don’t know what I was thinking when I ordered the kit. But they were so cute, I couldn’t resist. However, I did post a review on the kit saying if someone needed detailed instructions (like I do, plus it states it’s a pattern for beginners), not to buy it. If I had seen such a review, I would have rethought my purchase.

Happy Reading!



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cast of Resident Alien - that will be cool! I've been to big cons, although nothing as big as Dragon Con, and said way too many people. So, I don't think Dragon Con is for me.

The Happy Whisk said...

That many people baking in a hot room sounds like it would tire me out as well. Very cool that your daughter went with.