Thursday, August 22, 2024

Finished Reading “Love, Lies & Hocus Pocus—Beginnings” and We Might Have a Problem

Yesterday, Hubby and I booked our 6th, 7th, & 8th cruise. I think we might have a problem.

But when an interesting cruise is brought to our attention, we can’t seem to say no to it. And this time the interesting cruise was an eclipse cruise in August 2026. It sails out of England. And if we’re going to fly over there for a cruise, well, we look for other cruises. We’ll be taking back-to-back-to-back cruises (that’s 3 connecting cruises for those of you who can’t count) for a total of 32 days.

Like Hubby told our kids: we’re spending your inheritance. He’s not kidding, either.

Who knows what life will throw at us next. We’re taking advantage right now and hoping for the best. Better than sitting around doing nothing. Right?

Hey, when my oncologist said to live my life, I listened.

Here’s what I read since my last update:

Book 24

Dates read: August 17-22, 2024
Title: Love, Lies & Hocus Pocus—Beginnings
Year of publication: 2016
Author: Lydia Sherrer
Genre: Paranormal
Series: The Lily Singer Adventures #1
# of Pages: 203
Paper or plastic: Trade paperback
How obtained: Purchased
Blurb from Book: Wizard Lily Singer is kept busy managing library archives, studying magic, and trying to keep her witch friend Sebastian from dragging her into trouble. Unfortunately, he loves adventure even more than she loves being left alone.
    She doesn’t want to investigate a malignant spell in a haunted house, but Sebastian is promising rare books as the reward…
    She doesn’t want to hurt her family, but she is tired of being lied to about her past…
    She definitely doesn’t want to get stuck in a dangerously unstable time loop, but Sebastian is in trouble—again…
    Strangling her friend, as satisfying as it might be, won’t fix her problems. If she wants answers—and to not miss tea—she had best find the right spell for the job before everything unravels and ends them both for good.
Recommend: Yes
My thoughts:
I’m not sure exactly what these books are about. I saw an ad that hinted these were funny and that the cat talks. With birthday money in hand, I bought the first two in the series. But so far the cat has remained quiet. And it really wasn’t all that humorous. But they were interesting and since I did buy the next book in the series, I’ll read it. But if that cat remains quiet, I’m not buying any more.

I’m off to a concert (seeing Green Day). Lots of concerts this year. I might have a problem with them, too! Haha!

Happy Reading!



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I saw Green Day almost twenty years ago. Good show.
If you have the money to burn, go for it with the cruises.

The Happy Whisk said...

Wonderful that you are both enjoying yourselves this way. I love, love, love that. Here's to lots of fun adventures your way. Cheers and boogie boogie.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Alex - I wouldn't say I'm "burning" the money. These are experiences and memories. But I am glad we can afford to do it.

Ivy - I'm happy that planning for retirement made this possible. Now if the health issues will cease and desist, life would be perfect!

The Happy Whisk said...
