Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Start of Book #5

I love it when characters takes hold. I woke up Sunday with my future hero talking to my future heroine. Not only that – I got his name!

Later, my husband and I went out to dinner and the heroine's name hit me. I have a COUPLE! I'm so happy.

I still have some work to do with my characters, but it's nice to get their voices in my head. Just listening to them talk tells me a lot. Yeah, I sound nuts. And maybe I am. But I don't care. I think I would hate it if the voices stopped. Well, I know I would.

I've even started some writing, but not on the story. On the backstory. I find if I can get that written and solidified in my head, the story will write much better. I did this WAY too late on my last book and I won't make that mistake again.

Now, all I have to do is come up with a title. Ugh! I hope it comes to me before I type "The End"!


The Happy Whisk said...

Wonderful writing news. Wishing you the most fun writing, ever. I've just finished my session and am 2 hours ahead of par. Off to get ready and work at the restaurant next.

Have a most excellent day.

Boogie boogie.

The Happy Whisk said...

PS: I love that you're excited about the couple.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Whisk - I'm always excited about my couples. It's what makes writing their story so much fun!

You have a great day, too!

Jennette Marie Powell said...

Fantastic! And so cool. My characters happily tell me their names, but I have to pry everything else out of them with a tire iron. Have fun!

LD Masterson said...

Go, Stacy!

Stacy McKitrick said...

Whoa - Who changed Blogspot? See - I step away for a day and it all changes. And the times are all screwed up, too. Time to fix that.

Thanks for the comments.

Todd R Moody said...

Yay, Stacy! I'm happy for you!