Friday, September 15, 2017

Why Oh Why Don’t I Write It Down?

When I hit PUBLISH on Wednesday’s post, I remembered there was something else I wanted to say. No biggie. Figured I’d save it for Friday. But did I write it down? Nope. Did I remember what it was? Nope.

I do this all the time. You’d think I’d learn by now.

Write the stupid stuff down!!!

Speaking of forgetting, I realized I never told you how the fan panel for The Vampire Diaries went at Dragon Con (Hmmm… could that be what I wanted to write about? Could be. Whew!). 12 people showed up (I counted). Of course, we were competing against Buffy, The Musical (among many other things). Something I would have attended if I wasn’t ON the panel. And I’ve seen the show before (funny stuff!). J

But I wasn’t near as nervous as I thought I would be. It would have been nicer if I had finished re-watching all 8 seasons before the con, but it was what it was. I actually had some stuff to say. And it was a nice discussion panel (between the audience and the panelists).

I did find it interesting that there were four of us on the panel and we were all authors (although I was the ONLY romance author). But only two of us wrote about vampires. I also found it interesting that one of the panelists didn’t even watch all of season 8 yet (short two or three episodes). Guess we spoiled it for her. Haha!

Will I get asked to return for another panel? Have no idea. I don’t know what their process is. But will I volunteer to be on another fan panel? Sure, as long as I see the request (a big IF) and there is something of interest to choose from. It was fun. And people actually took some of my swag. Win!

Oh hey! Before I forget (haha!), I got the new cover to Ghostly Liaison and thought I would share it here first.

E-book version

Print version
Didn’t Maria Zannini (of Book Cover Diva) do a great job? No help from me, that’s for sure. I need to learn to keep my suggestions to myself. J

I expect Ghostly Liaison will be back in the stores before the end of the month. Yay!

So… Do you find you forget things if you don’t write them down? Do you always remember to write them down, though? I’ve got pads of paper all over the house (and my purse), so there really is no excuse for me except…laziness! J

Happy Friday!



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

New cover looks great.
Sorry there weren't more people. Funny that one of the panelists hadn't even watched the whole series.
Remember to have a good weekend!

JeffO said...

I forget everything. And when I do write things down, I forget where I left the note/list!

Great cover, congratulations!

Stacy McKitrick said...

Alex - I always have good weekends because they're...weekends! :)

Jeff - I have been known to misplace stuff, but not a note. Yet. Just writing it down, though, reminds me about it. Isn't that strange?

Jennette Marie Powell said...

I always think of ideas for blog posts, something I want to include in my WIP, etc. at inconvenient times, like when I'm at work, in the shower, or trying to get to sleep. I don't write them down. If it's a good idea, I'll remember it. Sometimes I remember them in the morning, and realize it wasn't that great an idea anyway LOL.

I don't write down notes because I forget the note. Electronic reminders on my phone do help, though.

Glad your panel went well!

Stacy McKitrick said...

Jennette - I tried leaving notes on my phone, but never remember to look there! Hahahaha!

Maria Zannini said...

The moment I say, 'I'll remember this', I am doomed to forget.

I keep a notepad by my computer as I get ideas for blog posts. If I'm away from my desk, I try to email myself if I can.

re: One down, two more to go.