Friday, July 5, 2024

Finished Reading “Fangs Deep” and a Lot is Happening

It’s been awhile since my last post. And while I trudged through my reading (which I should have finished well before now), lots of stuff have been happening.

First, that BookBub listing. I think it was a bust. I haven’t even made back half the cost. Oh, I sold books (yay), but not the amount I thought would happen. Oh well…

Next, and the biggest: My hubby had a stent put in. On June 24, he went walking (like he usually does in the summer) for about 6 miles. It was a hot and humid day and he felt tightness in his chest and down his arm. I asked if he wanted me to take him to the emergency room. He said he sat and rested and felt fine. Didn’t think he needed to go. I shouldn’t have listened to him. On Wed, Jun 26, he went walking again. Couldn’t even make it 1/3 of a mile before the tightness returned. Drove home and said he was going to the emergency room. I told him I would drive him. Would you believe he said that I didn’t need to if I didn’t want to? Sheesh!

The base ER couldn’t help him since they didn’t have the equipment for cardiology patients, but the tests they ran indicated something was wrong and they weren’t letting him go. So he was transferred to Miami Valley South where they did a heart cath the following morning. His large artery (the artery they call the “widow maker”) was 80% blocked. They inserted a stent, but apparently he has more blockage. They put him on different medication for his cholesterol and hope it will fix the rest. So we’re basically on a “wait and see” regiment. Scary stuff! But at least he feels fine now and hasn’t had any symptoms since the stent. Of course, he hasn’t really walked all that far since then, either. I’m gonna get him out there tomorrow (when it won’t be as hot and humid as it has been).

At least I did get some GOOD news. I had my CT scan on the first. They called me on the second and told me that it appears the spot was just some kind of infection in my lung and not cancer since it’s getting better (smaller).  Whew!

Here’s what I read since my last update:

Book 19 (adding Ghostly Protector as read in Goodreads jumped my number up, which is fair. I did read it…numerous times!)

Dates read: June 24 – July 5, 2024
Title: Fangs Deep
Year of publication: 2023
Author: Molly Burkhart
Genre: Paranormal
Series: Pain in the Neck Trilogy #3
# of Pages: 255
Paper or plastic: Trade paperback
How obtained: Purchased from author at a convention
Blurb from book: When Linnie Rogers moves in with the vampires wooing her, she feels completely adrift from her old life. She wades into uncharted waters without map or compass, trusting that her new roommates will keep up their end of the bargain. Her growing feelings for them only make her less sure of herself and the situation.
    However, as the guys slowly woo her with good food, pajama movie nights, and cuddly snuggles, she warms to the idea of learning to love them. Even with the cat hiding in the bathroom any time a vampire is near, Linnie doesn’t fight her growing fondness. This is the rest of her life, after all, and the guys each make a compelling case for her affections with art, music, and a truly epic Dungeon’s & Dragons campaign.
    Just as she overcomes her past and gives into her desire, disaster strikes. Linnie is whisked away from her lovers and thrust into a dangerous tussle between evils for her life and the lives of her beloved vampires. It seems that no matter who wins, Linnie will lose.
    Can she fight the evil threatening to overwhelm everything she’s built for herself, or is she doomed to a life of blood servitude?
Recommend: Maybe
My thoughts:
This is the last book in the trilogy. It took a LOOOONNNNG time getting to anything exciting. There wasn’t really any conflict between the four of them (three vampires and her). Yes, the sexy scenes were sexy, but the rest was just…blah. This trilogy could have been cut and combined into one book that would have been more interesting to read. I slugged through this one, but then it wasn’t the kind of book I normally read. I saw “vampire” and was intrigued. I’m just sorry it let me down.

Yesterday I emptied two bookcases so they could be moved to another room. They were completely filled and I forgot I had some of those books. Now I want to re-read some of them. I might just start pulling one of them a month or so to read. Just have to figure out which one to start with. Decisions, decisions.

Happy Reading!



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Something similar happened to another blogger buddy's husband and once they got to the hospital, were told never ever wait as it had almost cost him his life. Glad your husband finally went and hope the medication takes care of the rest of the blockage. At least you got some good news when it comes to your health.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Alex - Yeah, I just want to kick myself for not insisting he go on Monday. But at least he's okay now, so I guess that's the important part.