Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Reading Update and My Phone

Still at sea. Will arrive in Cabo San Lucas tomorrow morning. And then it’s four more sea days until we end up in Seattle. I’m going to savor every minute!

Here’s what I read since my last update:

Book 20

Dates read: April 22-24, 2023
Title: A Lady’s Guide to Etiquette and Murder
Year of publication: 2018
Author: Dianne Freeman
Genre: Historical cozy mystery
Series: Countess of Harleigh Mystery #1)
# of Pages: 227
Paper or plastic: Nook book
How obtained: Got free from being a B&N member
Blurb from Goodreads: In this exciting historical mystery debut set in Victorian England, a wealthy young widow encounters the pleasures—and scandalous pitfalls—of a London social season . . .
    Frances Wynn, the American-born Countess of Harleigh, enjoys more freedom as a widow than she did as a wife. After an obligatory year spent mourning her philandering husband, Reggie, she puts aside her drab black gowns, leaving the countryside and her money-grubbing in-laws behind. With her young daughter in tow, Frances rents a home in Belgravia and prepares to welcome her sister, Lily, arriving from New York—for her first London season.
    No sooner has Frances begun her new life than the ghosts of her old one make an unwelcome appearance. The Metropolitan police receive an anonymous letter implicating Frances in her husband’s death. Frances assures Inspector Delaney of her innocence, but she’s also keen to keep him from learning the scandalous circumstances of Reggie’s demise. As fate would have it, her dashing new neighbor, George Hazelton, is one of only two other people aware of the full story.
    While busy with social engagements on Lily’s behalf, and worrying if Reggie really was murdered, Frances learns of mysterious burglaries plaguing London’s elite. The investigation brings death to her doorstep, and Frances rallies her wits, a circle of gossips, and the ever-chivalrous Mr. Hazelton to uncover the truth. A killer is in their midst, perhaps even among her sister’s suitors. And Frances must unmask the villain before Lily’s season—and their lives—come to a most unseemly end . . .

My thoughts: I was given a choice of five books awhile back from B&N to pick for free. I’m never one to balk on free, and of the five, this looked the most fun. And it was a fun book to read. But I’m still not fond of first person (which is why I don’t read a lot of mysteries) and historicals throw me (I have no idea what fashion was like in 1899 London), so I probably won’t bother reading more in this series. If you’re fond of cozy mysteries, though, give this one a try.

I’m beginning to think my phone is reaching its end life (I have the iPhone SE). I got it in 2016, so I guess it was time. Then again, it could be the internet on this cruise is messing with it. If it continues to act up once I get home, I may have to face the inevitable: time to buy a new phone. And I really HATE having to buy a new phone. It’s such a racket, isn’t it?

Happy Reading!



The Happy Whisk said...

I do think it's a racket, yes. Our last phones were in 2016 as well and we recently got new ones. Tim's was free.

Love the purple on the cover.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Ivy - If I could get a free SE (the updated version), I'd get it now, that's for sure. But I don't see that happening.