Sunday, April 2, 2023

Reading Update and Getting Ready to Travel

I’m doing some form of travel every month from now until…November.

In April (next Friday, actually) Hubby and I leave for a 24-day cruise (two cruises, back-to-back). We don’t get home until May 2 (see, 2 months, right there!)

In June I’m attending a book convention in Cleveland.

In July I’m attending a book convention in Savannah.

In August Hubby and I will go to that state up north to visit friends (and Mackinac Island—we’ve never been). There might also be a family reunion in New Jersey in August, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to attend if I’m elsewhere!

In September I’m attending Dragon Con (Atlanta) and then later in the month Hubby and I will be on a 14-day cruise out of NYC and won’t return until October.

Oh, and a few days after returning from that cruise I’m attending a book signing in Rockford, IL.

See what I mean? Travel, travel, travel. But hey, when my oncologist said I should continue to plan my trips and they'll schedule my treatments around them, I listened and I am!!

Here’s what I read since my last update:

Book 12

Dates read: March 20 – April 2, 2023
Title: The Wicche  Glass Tavern
Year of publication: 2021
Author: Seana Kelly
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Series: Sam Quinn Book #3
# of Pages: 330
Paper or plastic: Trade Paperback
How obtained: Purchased
Blurb from Book: I’m Sam Quinn, the werewolf book nerd owner of the Slaughtered Lamb Bookstore and Bar. Clive, my vampire gentleman caller, has asked me to marry him. His nocturne is less than celebratory. Unfortunately, for them and the sexy vamp doing her best to seduce him, his cold, dead heart beats only for me.
    As much as my love life feels like a minefield, it has to take a backseat to a far more pressing problem. The time has come. I need to deal with my aunt, the woman who’s been trying to kill me for as long as I can remember. She’s learned a new trick. She’s figured out how to weaponize my friends against me. To have any hope of surviving, I have to learn to use my necromantic gifts. I need a teacher. We find one hiding among the fae, which is a completely different problem. I need to determine what I’m capable of in a hurry because my aunt doesn’t care how many are hurt or killed as long as she gets what she wants. Sadly for me, what she wants is my name on a headstone.
    I’m gathering my friends—werewolves, vampires, wicches, gorgons, a Fury, a half-demon, an elf, and a couple of dragon-shifters—into a kind of Fellowship of the Sam. It’s going to be one hell of a battle. Hopefully, San Francisco will still be standing when the dust clears.
My thoughts: I’m glad the way this ended. There are at least two more books in this series, but I’m not sure I want to read them (and I definitely don’t feel the urge to buy them right now). While I liked this book well enough, I just kept thinking about another series, from another author, and I didn’t like comparing the two (since I like the other author, and series, a whole bunch more). But that’s my problem more than anything else.

I’ve gotten a lot of new Nook books ready to read during the cruise. I was going to take some crochet projects with me, but I’m thinking I won’t now. I’ve pretty much got everything I need for giveaways (at the conventions) and the one project I want to work on is using this huge cake of yarn. I really don’t want to lug that around. So I’ll have my books (in one convenient package) and my laptop (hoping to do SOME writing).

My brain MRI came back clear--no cancer. Yay! Tomorrow I will find out the results of my CT scan. Hoping for good news (meaning, no new growth).

So… You got any fun plans scheduled this year? Please share!

Happy Reading!



The Happy Whisk said...

Wow, wow, that's a heck of a trip you're about (or now), on. I love it!!!!

Safe & Fun Travels!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's great news! And if you can travel, can afford to do so, feel up to it, go for it.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Ivy - Almost there. We fly to Miami on Friday. Whoo hoo!

Alex - It's nice that we finally got to this point in our life that we can afford it. Wasn't always the case!